Friday, July 25, 2008

So long, my friends...

I tried to recall as much as I can how these
ladies looked like, as I do not have any picture
to copy from. I hope, I got them as close as I can.

I was scrolling down my cellphone's contact list the other day, and found a name that I didn't need anymore. I deleted it, and then deleted another one.

The first was Leila B's name. I met Leila about 6 years ago through another friend (Carrie). She and Carrie lived in the same apartment complex. Whenever I would go to Carrie's to work on artworks for the church's fund raising, Leila would stop by to say hi; or we would call her to have lunch with us.

She was a petite lady - about 4' 11" in height, weighed about 90# +-. She was perky and always greeted me with, "Hi, Mari. You look good." And one time I said, "Lei, I would like to lose at least 10#, if I can. I'm overweight." She thought I should not and that I'm perfect as I am. Of course, I am not. Her reason for thinking so is because of her physical condition: She was underweight.

She told me that many years ago she was as tall as my 5' 2". She was in a car accident which almost took her life; had to undergo physical therapy for a year before finally getting her life back to normal...almost. She fractured a bone which caused her to lose some bone density and thereby shrinking her height. I've forgotten the name of the bone, and her scientific explanation.

Although she had been ill for quite some time, her spirit, however, was always up. There was always a smile on her face.

She passed away 4 weeks ago.

The other name was Ritsuko's. She was from Nagasaki, Japan; petite, just like Leila. I met her through Junko San, about 3 years ago. She had had some major surgery; and had been living on borrowed time.

She played the shamisen and showed me pictures of her in her kimono when she was young. She spoke English very well, with very little accent. She was bright, funny and witty; photogenic and very fashionable. She always wore color coordinated clothes with matching shoes and purses. She loved to wear hats.

She passed on 4 months ago.

Their names were deleted, but they'll not be forgotten. I'll miss these two nice ladies. May they rest in peace.


ev said...

they'd touched lives and that include yours.:)

keep it up sketch so well!

take care...

Nance said...

oh, how sad ... they seem like real nice ladies, organic. They'll be forever in your heart!

Anonymous said...

this is really sad, but i know that you have 2 angels watching over you...

Photo Cache said...

it is sad when one has to do what you did, sorry to hear you lost two people you loved.

Anonymous said...


i too was cheking on my email listing, and i could not believe it--i had to delete 4 names. 4 friends who passed by in a span of 1-1/2 year since i too early retirement, and these people were still young, i thought they were not supposed to die yet.

just proof that we never know what is in store for us tomorrow, for death "comes like a thief in the night".

GingGoy said...

such sad story...but that's life

Anonymous said...

oh mari, so sorry that you lost two good friends. But i'm sure they're in good hand now. What a coincidence, my SIL name is Liela. Thanks for the prayer.

Mari said...

Yes, they did.

Thanks for the visit.

They were down-to-earth people; unpretentious.

Thanks for the comment.

Mari said...

It really is sad.

Thanks for the visit.

photo cache,
Thanks for the visit.

Mari said...

sexy mom,
It was their time, didn't matter how young or how old, our Maker took them back. They are now resting in peace.

Thanks for the drop.

Mari said...

Yes, it's sad, and such is comes and it goes.

Thanks for the visit.

Yes, they are now in good hands.

Same name, huh?

Thanks for the visit.

MeMeMe said...

You must have touched their lives Mari, how blessed you are to have your friends who have moved on to a life we do not know of. They are probably much happier now! And they continue to be your friends, cheering you on and sending you blessings.


Vk-mahalkaayo said...

May rest in peace............amen.

that what XT says, be prepared, nobody knows, when the master comes.

Mari said...

They are now at rest and in a much happier place.

Thanks for the visit.

Mari said...

You are right.

Thanks for the visit.