Some of my guests came a little bit late. It was alright, we had a fun time. The food was okay. I'm not sure if they liked it, I didn't see them throw up; I didn't see them writhe in pain for ingesting my food. My older cousin brought "turon" which the Anglos loved; another guy brought bread with spinach dip inside its cavity. It was good, but I can't eat a lot of it as the sour cream in it upsets my stomach. Another guy brought pumpkin pie.
My turkey turned out good, it was moist. We almost devoured the whole thing. I gave some to my guests to take home, so I won't be left with so much turkey I would have to have it morning, noon and night. I made turkey soup for dinner last night; this morning I stir fried some then poured a little bit of gravy over it, fried a couple of eggs then toasted some bread and we had it for breakfast. No turkey for lunch. Tonight, however, I made turkey soup again...this will be the last of the turkey dinner. The leftover has to be consumed within 2 or 3 days, otherwise I'm going to freeze it.
During these holiday sales people just dash through the door as soon as it is opened and some, I heard, have been crushed to death. Yesterday I watched on TV as this was going on and someone was almost pinned on the ground. Lucky for that person a guy pulled her up to safety. I wonder why they have to rush in when they are already at the door. Why lose an arm and a leg or even life for saving a couple of hundred dollars?